Meet Thalia…

Thalia is a 2011 Senior at Hobbs High School

Her Favorite Song is… How You Live- Point Of Grace

Her dream job is… to be a Neonatal Nurse!

Two things on a desert island that she would have to have with her are… brownies and cookies and cream ice cream!

Her Favorite Quote is… “To accomplish great things we must not only act but also dream, not only plan but also believe.”

5 goals on her life’s to-do list are…

1. Go to Cabo San Lucas
2. Got to college in a beautiful state!
3. Get married:)
4.Have a family!
5. Make a difference in people’s lives!

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Visit  Kasey Mikelle Photography’s Facebook Page to see more fun senior photos and be the first to hear about contests and giveaways!

13 Responses

  1. The pictures came out amazing kasey!!! 😀 I had fun, and cant wait to see how the rest come out!!! 🙂 and the one above is not from me! Lol

  2. Hey sweetheart I love your pics..I wish u the best in life..don’t give up on ur dreams..I’m proud of you!!!

  3. Thalia my dear,you are a very beautiful young lady,i am so happy to say im officially going to be in your family,always remember to put god first in your life and he’ll give you the desires of your life:)

  4. She looks so Beautiful in these pictures! The backgrounds are amazing! Any mother would be so proud to see her daughter looking gorgeous and all grown-up! May you always follow your dreams and remember, you have your future in your hands and your hands only 🙂

  5. hey mia your so beautiful take care i pray that god leads you down the right path love you so much

  6. Thalia, you are a beautiful young lady and I can’t wait to see what God has in store for you.