This first picture may give you the impression that I was greeted by a sleepy newborn. In reality, this precious 5 week old only shut his eyes for 5-10 minutes tops during 2+ hours of photos! He was alert and curious most of the time, rarely crying while I clicked away.
Here he is being introduced to his future favorite toy, a Transformer.
See, I wasn’t kidding – awake and alert. I love the eye contact at this age.
Although I’m in a B&W mood I thought I’d throw in a dash of color.
Thanks for welcoming me into your home. Tell your little man I’ll come by and play with his transformers any day 🙂
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Leave a comment with your congratulations, your favorite pic, or just to let them know you’re thinking of them.
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Visit Kasey Mikelle Photography’s Facebook Page to see more newborn photos!
What a beautiful family! Kasey, that last photo is absolutely gorgeous! Love it.
Love seeing my son’s beautiful family!
Congratulations!!!! What a beautiful baby and gorgeous family. Thank you for sharing with us.
as always kasey your work is awesome. angel my favorite is that 1st photo of you and baby. just beautiful!
Hey Angel awesome pictures of your family.They are so beautiful blow a big kiss to the baby. I love Bryce showing his toy to his little brother how cute.
I vote for Cali McCreary #11.
Thanks! And I wish we were in NM to take advantage of your beautiful photo-ops! You are amazing and gifted!
Very beautiful family, and of course very beautiful pictures
Absolutely beautiful! Melts my heart…